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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»You have all experienced it...«»
- the new demo style created by some sceners
- far up north. Now it's time to tell the tale of the group «c6»Ephidrena...«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»It was in the beginning of July 1995, when the Norwegian scene was in
- severe trouble after the software companies, and especially «c6»Funcom, «c7»had
- tricked our best sceners to work for them, that a new group got borned.
- It was much later known as «c6»Ephidrena. «c7»In Norway at that time, «c6»Andromeda «c7»had just
- passed away silently, «c6»Spaceballs «c7»was in crisis, «c6»Talent «c7»went PC and there
- really weren't that many of the leading groups left anymore. There were a
- few new groups though which later on should prove to be very good, and
- Ephidrena is one of them.«»
- «»
- At a small party called «c6»Odyssey, «c7»a few new sceners came in touch and wanted
- to create a demogroup. These persons were «c6»Zixaq «c7»(Xiphias at that time) and
- «c6»Cyberstarr «c7»(Emx). At the same party also «c6»LoadError and Frequent «c7»joined. The
- group now consisted of Cyberstarr (Amos-Coder), LoadError (Graphician & Amos-Coder),
- Frequent (Musician) and Zixaq (Musician). And only a few weeks later on,
- the graphicians, «c6»Stoney (Wad) and Cheetah «c7»were allowed to join as well.«»
- «»
- At the autumn the same year the group had its first internal meeting, and
- the start of Ephidrena was a fact. However, the next year the group more or
- less consisted of 3 members due to Zixaq being away in France first and
- then serving his military service. The graphicians Cheetah and Stoney
- didn't participate in the activities either. Nevertheless, Cyberstarr,
- Frequent and Loaderror were quite active for a «c6»newborn group.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»The first release from Ephidrena was a production named «c6»Jallaj0de. «c7»The code
- was done by Cyberstarr in amos, and the graphics were done by Loaderror and
- Cyberstarr. Frequent did the music of course. Jallaj0de is according to the
- group in the category intro/dentro, and it consists of some slow dot
- effects, a chiptune and some below average graphics. It's unknown when this
- production got released, but perhaps it was at the Distortion'96 party held
- in February 1996? As Ephidrena is too embarrased to spread this production,
- we'll never know for certain.«»
- «»
- The next productions are easier to get however, as they were released at
- the Gathering party. For the first time Loaderror coded for Ephidrena in
- his «c6»Kugalskap demo, «c7»gfx was done by Loaderror and music by Frequent.
- Cyberstarr did the code for the «c6»Recycled demo. «c7»The
- gfx was done by Loaderror, Stoney and Cheetah, and music by Frequent and
- Goahead. The "Kugalskap" demo is
- perhaps inspired by old F.C.I. demos? Cows are flying everywhere. The
- Recycled demo effects are quite fast, but all routines were
- dead old at the time.
- Both demos are not very memorable, and they probably only got the votes from the
- Ephidrena members. I guess the rest of the sceners voted for the Tint demo
- by TBL!«»
- Just a bit later that year, the luck changed for Ephidrena. They won the
- 80k intro competition at the Bush Party III with «c6»Balls. «c7»The amos intro contains some
- very slow routines; like shade cluster and bobs. As before,
- Loaderror did the code and gfx, and Frequent the music.«»
- «»
- The next release was the demo «c6»Mnemonic «c7»which got released at the
- Kindergarden party, and became second. This was Loaderrors first assembler
- production, and it was done together with Cyberstarr. The gfx was done by
- Loaderror and Cheetah, and music by Frequent as usual. It got a few nice
- effects and very nice logos. This could perhaps be described as the first
- real demo from Ephidrena? At least the norwegian scene started to get aware
- of this new group. Ephidrena also released an intro called
- «c6»Rekord «c7»at the same party I think.«»
- The last production from Ephidrena in 1996, was the demo «c6»Puppets «c7»released
- at the Party. Some changes had happened as now both coders were a bit
- more used to assembler, and Cheetah and Stoney were more involved in the project.
- This demo still didn't have the standard of other demos at that time, but
- it has its moments as for design work. The demo is quite short however.
- In any case, Puppets was the first demo from Ephidrena released in a
- foreign country.«»
- «»
- The first release from Ephidrena in 1997, was at the Scenus Party.
- Loaderror and Frequent released a small dentro there called «c6»Pieces. «c7»As they write
- themselves: It's «c6»"small pieces on a digitial road". «c7»The dentro only
- includes a few routines, and it's nothing special at all. Some will
- probably also reconize that some of the routines are taken from the
- Mnemonic and Puppets demos. As most
- Ephidrena productions so far (except Balls and Mnemonic), it didn't get ranked very
- high in the competition.«»
- «»
- In April it was time for the Gathering party, and Ephidrena managed to make
- a demo for this party as well. The demo is called «c6»Abiotic, «c7»and was coded by
- Cyberstarr and Loaderror, the graphics were done by Cheetah, Loaderror and
- Stoney, and last, Zixaq did the module for the first time in a demo for
- Ephidrena. The gfx is nice, and the module is quite fast... but perhaps the
- routines weren't as fast as the music? The demo features at least some nice
- effects, and I especially like the tunnel routine. The demo ended as nr.7
- in this hard competiton which is not bad considering TBL and Artwork made
- two smashing demos. Also more groups made some very good demos there, like
- Limited Edition. Two other norwegian groups did also make some quality
- demos, like Triumph and Gods. But Ephidrena beat other known norwegian
- crews like Spaceballs, Contraz, Massive, Donut Fetish and Apathy.«»
- «»
- The next demo from Ephidrena, is called «c6»Photons «c7»and was released at the
- Kindergarden party less than 3 months after the last demo. It was once
- again coded by Cyberstarr and Loaderror, and again gfx by Cheetah,
- Loaderror and Stoney. But for the first time Frequent and Zixaq did the
- music together. The demo also contains some interesting effects, and came
- third in the competition after the cool demo Toltek 9 and the Smurph demo.«»
- «»
- Ephidrena didn't rest long before they released the 80k intro called «c6»Eph vs
- Cpu. «c7»It was coded by Loaderror, gfx by Cheetah and music by Frequent. It
- was the best amiga intro in the joint Amiga/PC compo, but two PC intros
- beat it. It got a few good effects, which most sceners later on would
- experience in Ephidrena's 4k intros.«»
- «»
- The last productions from Ephidrena in 1997 were presented at The Party.
- They released a remix of their Photons demo released during the summer at
- KG. This time the demo was called «c6»Photons-Dodraugremix. «c7»The demo got
- actually quite many routines, good music, design and is enjoyable. However, as so many times
- before, the Ephidrena demo got a bad ranking. It was placed as nr.14 only
- ahead of a few bad productions. The group was obviously disappointed as
- they had never worked so much on any production so far. The other
- production released at TP, was the 4k intro «c6»Beer. «c7»It got a much better
- position as it got ranked 2nd. The intro is very very good after my
- opinion, and mainly consists of the same routines as in the 80k intro
- released at the Distance party! Beer was created by Loaderror. Quite impressive.«»
- «»
- Looking back at the demos «c6»Mnemonic, Puppets, Abiotic, Photons and the remix
- «c7»of it, we can't say they got very good rankings. But nevertheless, they all
- offered some interesting stuff and especially I like this kind of demo
- style.«»
- «»
- 1997 was a very productive year for Ephidrena and they also tasted
- sweet success with their great Beer intro! For the first time the group got
- some international attention!«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»After the Party 7 and the disappointment with the demo there, Cyberstarr
- lost motivation and has actually never coded anything for Ephidrena again!
- Ephidrena entered 1998 a bit reduced, and the activity level dropped.«»
- «»
- In any case, at the Gathering party they arrived to release a few
- productions. They released the demo called «c6»DRIIDIRIJIA «c7»coded by Loaderror,
- graphics by Cheetah and Stoney, and the music by Frequent. The demo
- presented at the gathering wasn't good at all. And it only got ranked 7th
- in a quite bad demo competition (except from Rise by Mellow Chips).
- However, a fixed version was spread later on.«»
- «»
- Ephidrena also released some other productions at the gathering, and they
- were much better. They released a 64k intro called «c6»Fusion is my energy
- «c7»which ended up third in the compo. It got some flare bobs and a nice idea
- overall. The intro was coded by Loaderror, gfx by Cheetah and music by
- Frequent.«»
- «»
- Last, Ephidrena competed in the 4k intro with «c6»Byte. «c7»It's a short, but very
- good intro which of course reminds me of Beer. It came third in the compo
- also and was done by Loaderror.«»
- «»
- These results were the best ever for Ephidrena at the Gathering party.«»
- «»
- Next time we heard from Ephidrena was at the Kindergarden party were they
- released a dentro to promote a norwegian mag called «c6»Norsktoppen. «c7»The
- production was called «c6»Norsktoppen 3 intro, «c7»and shows various norwegian
- sceners. It was made by Loaderror for the code and gfx, and music by
- Frequent. The dentro came third in the compo.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Even though Loaderror had been in the army for many many months, Ephidrena
- managed to come up with another demo for The Party. It was created in the
- house of Zixaq right before Christmas and finished at The Party. The demo
- is named «c6»Substral. «c7»It got many effects, some animations, aggressive
- music and nice graphics. The code was done by Loaderror, gfx by Cheetah and
- animations by Stoney, and music by Zixaq. And it got ranked as nr.5! This
- demo can be described as the international breakthrough demo of Ephidrena.
- It also indicicated the future direction of this group, and the Ephidrena
- members themselves are quite satisfied with this demo.«»
- «»
- Even though Ephidrena weren't as productive as the previous year, the group
- started to get noticed by more and more sceners also outside of Norway. And
- 1998 ended quite good for Ephidrena.«»
- «»
- «c5»THE RISE«»
- «»
- «c7»At the Gathering party 99 Ephidrena once more showed up with a demo, as so
- many times before. This time they presented a demo called «c6»Flux «c7»which was
- made during a few days at Cheetahs' place and the days at the party place.
- The demo got various routines, bright coloured textures, good music, some
- more animations etc. However, the version released at Gathering was more or
- less half-finished. Some months after tg, a fixed version got released.
- In any case, Flux got ranked second in the weakest demo competition in the
- history of The Gathering parties. Nevertheless, it's the best result for
- Ephidrena ever in the demo compo at TG. The demo was created by Loaderror
- for the code, Cheetah for the gfx, Stoney for anim, and Zixaq did the
- main-tune and Frequent the end tune.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Only a month after the Gathering party, Ephidrena went to the Distance'99
- party to compete with a 4k intro called «c6»Big! «c7»It's really a great 4k which
- would do good in any 4k competition. However, there was only one other
- competitor at that party... and of course Ephidrena won!«»
- «»
- After this Ephidrena became silent for a while, and another production from
- them didn't get released before The Party 1999! Ephidrena presented a
- smashing demo named «c6»Concrete «c7»which went all the way to the top! It
- certainly got to have been a great moment for the Ephidrena members present
- at The Party to experience this. As Ephidrena themselves tell about
- Concrete: «c6»"It was a great production.". «c7»What more to add? «»
- «»
- Ephidrena didn't release that much in 1999, but all productions did very
- well in the competitions. And by now the name Ephidrena was on every
- sceners lips...«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»In the year 2000 Ephidrena became very active again with many releases.«»
- «»
- They made a short demo for the TRSAC 2K party on request, and came third in
- the competition. It was called «c6»Turn up the hype «c7»and mainly done by Loaderror
- and Frequent.«»
- «»
- At the Gathering party Ephidrena released an intro called «c6»Swaptro, «c7»which
- doesn't consist of many effects. It's ok. The intro actually came third in
- the demo competition, after Spaceballs and Contraz. Swaptro was made by
- Loaderror.«»
- «»
- At the same time, another party was taking place. It was the Mekka
- Symposium party. Ephidrena participated both in the 64k intro and 4k intro
- competitions. The 64k intro called «c6»Omnicrom «c7»was the first real intro from
- Ephidrena since the Gathering 98 party, and it came third as well. The
- intro was coded by Loaderror (who else?), gfx by Loaderror and Zixaq and
- music by Frequent and Zixaq. It's quite a good intro which even could have
- advanced a place.«»
- Their 4k intro «c6»Bier «c7»smashed the competitors and Ephidrena won! Again it's
- another very good 4k intro from Loaderror with some assistance of Frequent.«»
- «»
- The Ephidrena guys got to have been happy about the results in competitions
- as they managed to prove that they definately were one of the best amiga
- groups with several good rankings the latest months.«»
- «»
- And the releases kept coming... they released another 4k intro called «c6»Kina
- «c7»at the Flag or was it the Fakklya party in Hungary? In any case, the intro
- looks exactly the same as Bier, but the music is different and only done by
- Loaderror. It won the compo too.«»
- «»
- In the summertime Ephidrena decided to visit the Assembly party to release
- a demo. Actually only Loaderror and Cheetah were involved in this
- production as it was kept a secret from the other members. Loaderror did
- the code, Cheetah the gfx and both did the music. I guess the other members
- were quite surprised seeing «c6»Janne Ahonen «c7»at the big screen, and all pretty
- surprised when the demo only got ranked as nr.14 out of 15 demos in the
- joint Amiga/PC competition.«»
- «»
- Every year Ephidrena also participate at the Kindergarden party. This year
- they presented the small demo «c6»Pluss, «c7»which came second in competition. The
- demo was done by Loaderror for the code, Cheetah/Loaderror for the gfx and
- cheetah/frequent/loadderror for the music. I guess this demo and the Janne
- Ahonen demo haven't been seen by that many sceners. So check it out if you
- haven't seen it already.«»
- «»
- At the same party Ephidrena also released the 4k intro called «c6»B0rst. «c7»Of
- course it smashed the competitiors and won the compo. It was done by
- Loaderror and Zixaq.«»
- «»
- «c5»DEMO OR DIE«»
- «»
- «c7»Even with all these releases, the productions didn't stop coming. At the
- Party Ephidrena released the demo called a symbol I'm unable to express.
- So lets just call the demo «c6»J! «c7»It was coded by Loaderror with the help of
- Cyborg/Industry, gfx was done by Cheetah and some photos by Loaderror and
- Pippin. The modules were done by Frequent and Zixaq as so many times
- before. This demo is something I would describe as the ultimate Ephidrena
- experience! It's a prime example of their very special demo style. The demo
- has a new demosystem which makes it possible to make quite many interesting
- effects. I guess most sceners have seen variations of the effects in this
- demo before, but never in this special context. It's the way Ephidrena uses
- the effects into their design which is so special. It certainly creates a
- very unique atmosphere. This demo also got a great soundtrack with the acoustic
- guitar samples from Zixaq. Most effects are shown over photos as
- backgrounds. I would of course prefered old pixel art, but I can't get all
- that I want either. The only irritating part of this demo, is really the
- boring precalculations... at least the one between the first routine and
- the second one. Nevertheless, a great demo which only managed to come
- second in the competition. It was beaten by a typical oldskool demo by
- Haujobb. Even though I'm a typical oldskool scener which love hard coding,
- I have to admit that the times are changing and the total atmosphere of the
- demo is much more important. J should have won The Party!«»
- «»
- In any case, the year 2000 was a very productive year for Ephidrena as they
- established themselves among the very best demo groups.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c6»LAST YEAR«»
- «»
- «c7»Ephidrena has released a few production in the year of 2001 as well.«»
- «»
- At the Gathering party they released a promotion «c6»dentro for the Showtime 16
- diskmag. «c7»The production was finished by Loaderror and Zixaq in the first
- week of January, but not released before in the demo competition at TG. And
- later on, it was re-released with the ShowTime 16 archieve. In any case,
- it's a small, but yet quite a typical Ephidrena production. Most of the
- routines have been used in other Ephidrena productions before. But the
- newspaper design and falling newspapers are quite nice. I also like the
- background guitarsamples of this dentro. In any case, it came second in the
- demo competition.«»
- «»
- At the same time at the Mekka-Symposium party, Ephidrena released their
- «c6»Adam Malysz vs. Wienerwurst demo. «c7»It's described as the sequal to Janne
- Ahonen. Perhaps the last effect really hits the theme of the demo
- perfectly? Skijumping that is. The code was done by Loaderror, gfx by
- Cheetah and music by Frequent, Cheetah, Loaderror and Zixaq. This Adam
- Malysz demo didn't get the same success as previous Ephidrena demos though
- as it came 4th in the competition.«»
- «»
- Ephidrena also released something never done before, a 4k musicdisk! It got
- amazingly 8 tunes which last around 20 minutes all in all! This is quite
- impressive really. But the the small musicdisk called «c6»Brus «c7»shouldn't have
- been put in the 4k intro competition after my opinion. They should perhaps added
- some more effects, design and instruments and released it outside the
- competition. And then they could make a new intro and really competed in
- the 4k competition. In any case, Brus came second in the compo. It was
- created by Loaderror (code) and music by Frequent, Cheetah, Loaderror and
- Zixaq.«»
- «»
- At the Kindergarden party Ephidrena released the small demo called «c6»Sfumato.
- «c7»It was done by the usual people; code by Loaderror and music by Frequent
- and Zixaq. This is also the last production in 2001 from Ephidrena. They
- came second in the competition at KG, after TBL which kinda made a demo in
- Ephidrena style.«»
- «»
- «c5»STATUS«»
- «»
- «c7»The current status of Ephidrena is that the group still consists of the
- same 6 members as 6 and a half years ago; «c6»Cheetah, Cyberstarr, Frequent, Loaderror,
- Stoney and Zixaq. «c7»But the work balance of the group has changed much.
- Cyberstarr can be considered to be totally inactive as he hasn't done a
- production since the Photons remix demo. Stoney has stopped pixelling, but
- instead done animations in the Ephidrena releases. At the moment it seems
- like also he has turned inactive. This means that Cheetah is the main
- graphician, but he's not making that much pixel art nowadays. Cheetah
- is infact more and more into music. Loaderror is the only coder nowadays,
- and is not doing as much gfx as in the past. However, he's making much of
- the music in the smaller productions. Frequent who did all the music in the
- start, is now mainly doing the end tunes. Zixaq is now the main-musician of
- Ephidrena.«»
- «»
- «c5»THE FUTURE«»
- «»
- «c7»Despite of the changes within Ephidrena, I'm sure we'll get to see alot
- more productions from them very soon. Even though they got some inspiration
- from productions as Deep remix and Smokebomb, Ephidrena has certainly
- managed to create a very special demo style. The design is completed by
- some effects, and not the other way around. The coder Loaderror has
- improved very much, and has even been ranked as the best coder.«»
- What to expect in the future? Ephidrena is now using different ways of
- creating their graphics and music, like using other artforms.
- And it seems like they want to make demonstrations more like musicvideos for
- a broader public.«»
- «»
- Very soon you should be able to see some more new demos from this group, and at
- least one of them will be out at the «c6»Mekka-Symposium party. «c7»More
- suprisingly are the rumours indicating that Ephidrena will not only be a
- pure demo group in the future, as a certain other production is on its
- way.«»
- «»
- As a curiousity, I have to mention that Ephidrena also have made a few other
- things which are not mentioned among their productionlist. They have also
- released a few productions under other names, like at the
- TRSAC 3 party in the middle of October 2001. And as for all
- sceners that aren't capable to watch the latest scene productions because
- of lack of good amiga equipment, I can assure you that the majority of
- Ephidrena productions can be enjoyed on a 020 with only 4mb of fast memory! I guess
- even the Ephidrena guys are unaware of this. Most intros and even the
- majority of demos can be viewed on this configuration. Even more recent
- prods like the demo J, the dentro ShowTime 16, the intros Omnicrom and Brus to
- mention some. But you'll get more out of them with better configuations
- though.«»
- «»
- In any case, «c6»the Ephidrena experience «c7»will continue... and I'm sure that
- the group ranked as nr.1 will be able to supply many more quality
- productions in the future!«»
- «»
- «e»